Volume 32 – Issue 1 – 2020
Guest editors Cormac Anderson, Natalia Kuznetsova
The dynamics of vowel reduction and loss in phonetics and phonology
General issues
Natalia Kuznetsova, Cormac Anderson
Vowel reduction and loss: challenges and perspectives
Vsevolod Kapatsinski, Shelece Easterday, Joan Bybee
Vowel reduction: a usage-based perspective
Case studies on lesser-known varieties
Alexander Krasovitsky
Vowel reduction in a North Russian dialect: A case study
Maria Konoshenko
Vowel reduction in Russian classical singing: The case of unstressed /a/ after palatalised consonants
Antonio Romano
Vowel reduction and deletion in Apulian and Lucanian dialects with reference to speech rhythm
Valentin Vydrin
Vowel elision and reduction in Bambara
Rosey Billington, Nick Thieberger, Janet Fletcher
Phonetic evidence for phonotactic change in Nafsan (South Efate)
Matt Coler, Nicholas Emlen, Edwin Banegas-Flores
Vowel deletion in two Aymara varieties
Diachronic studies
Martin Kümmel
Voiceless high vowels and syncope in older Indo-European
Andreas Baumann, Christina Prömer, Nikolaus Ritt
Reconstructing the diffusion of Middle English schwa deletion
Sonja Dahlgren
The system of Coptic vowel reduction: Evidence from L2 Greek usage
Book review
Daniel Recasens
Zampaulo, André. Palatal Sound Changes in the Romance Languages.
Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 2019.
Volume 32 – Issue 2 – 2020
Montserrat Batllori, Assumpció Rost
Pragmatic, syntactic and phonological evidence in favor of the grammaticalization of Northern Catalan negative poc/poca
Chiara Cappellaro
Pronominal variation and layers in grammaticalization: The enclitic forms -ello and -lo in the Italo-Romance dialect of Lizzano in Belvedere
Amedeo De Dominicis
(Dis)Similarities between formant charts as global topological objects
Leonel Tadjo Fongang
Polar Questions in Ŋgə̂mbà (Grassfields Bantu): A Cartographic Approach
Bárbara Marqueta Gracia
La alternancia morfosintáctica en composición: Un fenómeno sistematizable
Viviana Masia
(Re-)assessing the status of Second Occurrence Focus in information structure:Evidence from phonological processing and micropragmatic perspectives
Mariana Oleniak
Old English simile: When like was an adjective
Lori Repetti
The masculine singular definite article in Italian: The role of the syllable
Volume 32 – Online Appendix
Amedeo De Dominicis
Appendices of: (Dis)Similarities between formant charts as global topological objects