Volume 29 – Issue 1 – 2017
Lucia M. Tovena, Marta Donazzan
The profile of event delimitation: An introduction
Denis Creissels
Atypical objects in Soninke (West Mande)
Serge Sagna
Morphological alternation and event delimitation in Eegimaa
Lucia M. Tovena, Marta Donazzan
Italian -ata event nouns and the nomen vicis interpretation
Elena Soare
Aspects of participial nominalizations in Romance
Richard Huyghe, Lucie Barque, Pauline Haas, Delphine Tribout
The semantics of underived event nouns in French
Bianca Basciano, Chiara Melloni
Event delimitation in Mandarin: The case of diminishing reduplication
Hana Filip
The Semantics of Perfectivity
Volume 29 – Issue 2 – 2017
Roberta Colonna Dahlman
The ambiguity of sapere
Marwan Jarrah & Murdhy R. Alshamari
The syntax of theevidential particle ʃikil in Jordanian Arabic
Lena Karssenberg, Stefania Marzo, Karen Lahousse, Daniela Guglielmo
There’s more to Italian c’è clefts than expressing all-focus
Natalie Operstein
The syntactic structures of Lingua Franca in the Dictionnaire de la langue franque
Mohammed Q. Shormani
SVO, (silent) topics and the interpretation of referential pro: A discourse-syntax interface approach
Raoul Zamponi
First-person n and second-person m in Native America: a fresh look
Volume 29 – Online Appendix
Raoul Zamponi
Appendices of First-person n and second-person m in Native America: a fresh look